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Department of Planning

  • Data Source:Department of Planning
  • Created:2018-01-25
  • Last Updated:2021-03-09


  1. Draft, Plan, and Coordinate the Annual Administrative Policies, Administrative Plans and Medium and Long-Term Projects
  2. Research, Develop, Review, and Evaluate the Health and Welfare Policies
  3. Monitor, Review, and Evaluate Major Projects
  4. Plan, Promote, Supervise, and Review Administrative Effectiveness Improvement and Public Services
  5. Publish and Manage MOHW publications
  6. Other General Planning Affairs.
Responsibilities of Each Division
Division Responsibilities
Division 1
(Strategy Planning Division)
  1. Compile and draft medium-term administrative plans and policies, and the annual administrative plan
  2. Compile and draft the national development plan
  3. Compile Health and Welfare Policies
  4. Preliminary work of medium and long-term projects (social development and public construction)
Division 2
(Supervision and Appraisal Division)
  1. Follow up and manage the annual commissioned projects
  2. Appraise the annual commissioned projects and performance of agencies
  3. Appraise the performance of regional public health bureaus
  4. Manage the minister’s mailbox
  5. Review the Taiwan visit requests of mainland health professionals
Division 3
(Policy Promotion Division)
  1. Gender equality affairs
  2. Affairs relating to ICCPR and ICESCR, and national human rights reports
  3. MOHW Quarterly
  4. MOHW Annual Reports
  5. Supervise and manage affairs relating to government-donated foundations
  6. Window for Healthcare and Welfare industrial development
Division 4
(Coordination Service Division)
  1. Management and inquiries of MOHW publications
  2. Overall satisfaction in administration and public opinion polls
  3. Platform for central-local connection
  4. Risk management and internal control mechanism for agencies
  5. Health education promotion platform at central and local levels