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Department of Mental Health

  • Data Source:Department of Mental Health
  • Created:2018-01-25
  • Last Updated:2024-05-02
  1. Mental Health Promotion and Suicide Prevention
  2. Psychiatric Disorder Prevention and Care
  3. Drug and Other Substance Abuse Prevention
  4. Planning and Implementation of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Offender Treatment Policy
  5. Other Affairs Related to Mental Health and Psychiatric Medical Care

Division 1 Mental Health Promotion

Responsibilities Ext.
1. Mental health promotion policy and program 7448
2. Mental health website establishment and promotion 7448
3. Mental health human resource planning, personnel training, stays and rewards 7448
4. Self-harm behavior and suicide prevention policy and program planning 7451、7455
5. Suicide prevention promotion, consulting, subsidies and evaluations 7451、7455
6. Planning and subsidies for civil groups applying for programs related to mental health promotion 7477
7. Disaster mental health affairs promotion, consulting, subsidies, evaluations and personnel training 7477
8. Mental health promotion education, promotion, research, development and international exchanges 7453
9. Public complaints related to mental health promotion 7451

Division 2 Psychiatric Disorder Prevention

Responsibilities Ext.
1. Interpret relevant regulations such as the Mental Health Act 7457
2. Psychiatric disorder prevention promotion and subsidies 7458
3. Community psychiatric patient reporting, management and hospitalization (including psychiatric care information management system) 7458
4. Establishment, management and consulting of psychiatric care resources and institutions 7452
5. Accreditation of psychiatric medical institutions, psychiatric rehabilitation agencies and psychiatric nursing homes 7449
6. Mandatory hospitalization, assessment and community treatment review panel 7459
7. Promotion and subsidies for psychiatric medical website regional consulting program 7459
8. Psychiatric disease prevention council 7452
9. Interpret other psychiatric disease prevention laws and regulations 7457
10. Psychiatric patient right protection promotion and public complaints 7457、7458

Division 3 Substance Addiction Prevention

Responsibilities Ext.
1. Alcoholism prevention policy, service program and personnel training 7442
2. Alcoholism treatment model research and development, and subsidies for service program 7442
3. Subsidies for civil groups promoting treatment of drug addiction and alcoholism and social rehabilitation programs 7442
4. Drug addiction prevention personnel training, education and promotion 7436
5. Research and development of drug addiction treatment model, and subsidies for service programs (including alternative treatment) 7436
6. Appointment and management of drug addiction rehabilitation institutions and alternative treatment executive institutions 7436
7. Establishment and management of medical institution alternative treatment operation and management system 7436
8. Promotion and management of affairs related to drug abuse control centers in counties and cities 7436
9. Promote drug addiction and alcoholism medical service in correctional institutions 7437
10. Addiction prevention council 7437
11. Duties of the drug rehabilitation section of the Executive Yuan drug prevention conference 7437

Division 4 Treatment of Groups with Special Needs

Responsibilities Ext.
1. Medical examinations and evidence collection of domestic violence victims, and physical and mental care 7438
2. Domestic violence offenders treatment; research, development and promotion of treatment models 7438
3. Planning and promotion of education and training for medical personnel of domestic violence examinations, evidence collection and treatment 7438
4. Supervision and evaluation of domestic violence prevention projects in special municipality, county and city governments; promotion of counterpart preventive service program 7438
5. Medical examination and evidence collection of sexual assault victims, and physical and mental care 7439
6. Sexual assault offenders mandatory treatment; research, development and promotion of treatment models 7439
7. Planning and promotion of education and training for medical personnel of sexual assault examinations, evidence collection and treatment 7439
8. Supervision and evaluation of sexual assault and sexual harassment prevention projects in special municipality, county and city governments; handle relevant public complaints 7439
9. Medical examinations, evidence collection, physical and mental care, and follow-up consulting of child and juvenile abuse cases 7441
10. Male-care hotline services 7443

Division 5 Forensic Psychiatry

Responsibilities Ext.
1. Forensic Psychiatric Ward 7451
2. Forensic Community Mental Health Services 7451
3. Forensic Psychiatric Assessment 7455
4. Resources and Regulations of Forensic psychiatry 7488、7455、
5. Specialist Training of Forensic Psychiatry 7482