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Office of Science and Technology

  • Data Source:Office of Science and Technology
  • Created:2018-01-25
  • Last Updated:2019-04-16

Duties of Office of Science and Technology

1. Plan and promote health and welfare technology policy and master plan:
Draft policy and master plan in line with national development and request budget.
Make a preliminary review and annual budget allocation for the master plan.

2. Perform, monitor, and evaluate health and welfare technology research projects:
Regularly monitor the action plans for developing health and welfare technology, according to the provisions of the NDC and the MOST.
Manage the commissioned/subsidized research projects.
Evaluate and monitor the application of MOHW’s research results.
Regularly monitor the action plans for developing health and welfare technology, according to the provisions of the NDC and the MOST.

3. Evaluate outcome and manage the application of health and welfare technology development:
According to the provisions of the NDC and the MOST, evaluation of the performance of the action plans and master plan.
Award outstanding research of MOHW and its agencies.
Evaluate and appraise the performance of MOHW’s research institutions.
Promote and supervise intellectual property generation and technology transfer from research results.

4. Technology and management education and training:
Offer talks and lectures on new technology.
Promote technology exchanges and build an environment favorable for talent training.

5. Build infrastructure for dissemination of research results:
Subsidize local and international symposiums on health/welfare and biotechnology.
Promote MOHW’s research results via biotech and health technology exhibitions.
Attend international exhibitions and learn from international experiences.