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Symptomatic foreign travelers from nations not included in Level 3 Travel Notice, without NHI cards to pay for COVID-19 testing

  • Data Source:Centers for Disease Control, Ministry of Health and Welfare
  • Created:2020-03-16
  • Last Updated:2020-03-26

On March 16, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced that starting March 17, foreign nationals traveling from countries or regions not listed under CECC’s Level 3 travel notice for a short stay in Taiwan who don’t have NHI cards have to pay themselves for costs of outpatient appointments, emergency room visits and coronavirus testing if they develop symptoms after entering Taiwan. The CECC also provided details about cost regulations for foreign nationals visiting Taiwan who develop symptoms after arrival. If a foreign national is subject to home quarantine, or is required to be in home isolation after being identified as a contact of a confirmed case of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), such foreign national meets the criteria for reporting COVID-19 cases. Such foreign national must be treated in isolation and tested for COVID-19, and the costs of medical treatment in isolation and COVID-19 testing will be paid by the government. The remaining medical costs will be handled in accordance with Article 9 and Article 43 of the National Health Insurance Act. According to the regulations, the individual is required to pay part of the medical expenses if he/she is enrolled in the National Health Insurance (NHI) program whereas the individual has to pay full amount if not registered under the NHI scheme.