
Lin Ching-Yi M.D., Ph.D

  • Data Source:Department of Personnel
  • Created:2024-05-20
  • Last Updated:2024-05-20

Lin Ching-Yi M.D., Ph.D

Current Position:

  • Deputy Minister, Ministry of Health and Welfare(2024.05- )


  • Doctor of Philosophy of Chung Shan Medical University, Institute of Medicine (2009.09-2020.06)
  • Master of National Taiwan University, Institute of Molecular Medicine (2003.09-2005.06)
  • Master of Chung Shan Medical University, Institute of Medicine (1999.09-2001.06)
  • Doctor of Medicine of Chung Shan Medical College (1992.09-1999.06)


  • Legislator, Legislative Yuan, Taiwan. (2022.01-2024.01)
  • Director, International Medical Service Center of Chung Shan Medical University Hospital (2020.08-2022.01)
  • Ambassador at large, Ministry of Foreign Affair, Taiwan (2020.06-2021.12)
  • Director, Taipei Institute of Pathology.(2021.01-2022.01)
  • Member, International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) sponsored by the U.S. Department of State. (2018.08)
  • Member, Human Rights Committee, Liberal International(2016.04- )
  • Legislator, Legislative Yuan, Taiwan. (2016.02-2020.01)
  • Gynecologist, Director, mobile medical mission, Taiwan Health Corps (north India, Nepal, Kyrgyz ) (2010-2014)
  • Coordinator, Taiwan Medical Mission in Tuvalu, implementing a nationwide cervical cancer screening program and serving as a resident staff member for the Taiwan Medical Mission in Tuvalu. (2013.01-2013.02)
  • Representative, attending the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women Forum and related meetings (NGO-CSW). (2012-2019)
  • Representative, Selected by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to represent Taiwan at the annual conference of the "InterAction" in the United States. (2012.04-2012.05)
  • Chief Executive Officer, International Medical Service Center of Chung Shan Medical University Hospital (2012.06-2015.07)
  • Director, Obstetrics department of Chung Shan Medical University Hospital (2012.08-2014.07)
  • Vice Secretary-General, Taiwan Society of Perinatology(2012.12-2016.12)
  • Gynecologist, Taiwan ICDF’s mobile medical mission(Tuvalu, north India) (2008.05-2011.05)
  • Member, Committee of Women's Rights Promotion, Executive Yuan (2007.04-2011.3)
  • Attending Physicians, Obstetrics department of Chung Shan Medical University Hospital (2005.03- )
  • Director and Honorary Chairman of the Taiwan Women's Sports Association.