
Dr. Jen-Der Lue ,rer.

  • Data Source:Department of Personnel
  • Created:2024-05-20
  • Last Updated:2024-05-20

Dr. Jen-Der Lue ,rer.

Current Position:

  • Deputy Minister, Ministry of Health and Welfare(2024.05~)


  • Ph. D in Social Science, University Bielefeld, Germany  (1994.06-1999.05)
  • Master of Arts(M.A) in Graduate Institute of Political Science, National Chengchi University (1988.09-1990.07)
  • Department of Political Sclence, National Chengchi University (1984.09-1988.06)


  • Political Deputy Minister of Civil Service Protection and Training  Commission, Examination Yuan (2020.09~2024.05)
  • Director, Taiwan Thinktank (2022.06~)
  • Convener, The Sustainable Democracy Research Center - Warm Power and Social Cohesion Research Platform, Foundation for Future Generations, Taiwan (2021.03~2024.05)
  • Chairman, Taiwan Social Welfare Association (2020.09~2022.05)
  • Professor and Director, Department and Graduate Institute of Social Welfare, National Chung-Cheng University (2019.08~2020.09)
  • Committee member, Ministry of Finance Public Welfare Lottery Supervision Committee (2019.07~2020.09)
  • Convener, Ministry of Education University Social Responsibility Counselling Group (2019.06~2020.09)
  • Committee member, Ministry of Transportation and Communications Accessible Transportation Environment Promotion Group (2019.06~2020.09)
  • Committee member, Executive Yuan Social Welfare Promotion Committee (2019.03~2020.09)
  • Committee member, Ministry of Health and Welfare Health Care and Social Welfare Policy Promotion Advisory Group (2019.03~2020.09)
  • Office of the President's Pension Reform Committee (2016.06~)
  • Director, Social Affairs Bureau, Taichung City Government (2014.12~2018.11)
  • Convener, Employment and Social Security Group of Taiwan Think Tank (2010.10~2012.08)
  • Visiting Scholar in Max-Planck Institute for the Studies of Societies (MPIfG), Cologne, Germany (2004.07~2004.09)
  • Member, Health System Advisory Committee of the Health Care Reform Foundation, Taiwan (2002.04~2003.08)
  • Member, Task Force for National Health Insurance Reform, Ministry of Health, Taiwan (2001.09~2002.02)