
Central and Local Authorities Continue to Provide Assistance to the Victims and Family Members of the Formosa Fun Park Dust Explosion

  • Data Source:Ministry of Health and Welfare
  • Created:2015-12-17
  • Last Updated:2017-01-10

The Vice Premier of the Executive Yuan, Mr. Simon Chang, stated today (17th) in the “9th 0627 Formosa Fun Park Dust Explosion Response Team Meeting” that although the explosion was an unfortunate accident, the proactive and tireless efforts of the departments of the Ministry of Health and Welfare and the New Taipei City Government have effectively reduced the number of injuries and mortalities, which has garnered considerable international praise. Central and local government units have continued to provide care and support to the victims and family members of the explosion, and efforts have been made to integrate various resources to maximize efficiency. 
Chang listened to reports on the current hospitalization and treatment status, as well as the issuance statuses of medical and social worker allowances presented by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, acknowledging the hardship experienced by the medical and nursing staff in tending to the explosion victims. As compensation, the government has formulated a hardship allowance, which the Vice Premier urges to be issued as soon as possible. 
After listening to the report on “donation distribution conditions and NHI reimbursement conditions for advanced payments” presented by the New Taipei City Government and the Ministry of Health and Welfare, Chang instructed the Ministry of Health and Welfare to collaborate with various city/county Public Health Bureau, private organizations (Sunshine Social Welfare Foundation, Association for Suicide Prevention), project management centers, and expert scholars to establish a psychological care network for victims and family members, assisting them in overcoming the traumatic injuries they suffered due to this tragic event. 
In terms of the “healthcare progress report” presented by the New Taipei City Government and the Ministry of Health and Welfare, Chang expressed that the social worker authorities in various cities and counties must understand the skills required for evaluating burn injuries. They should provide enhancement training when required, and ensure that each social worker is assigned one case for long-term support. 
Chang emphasized that the “Steering Committee for the 627 Burn Injury Project Management Center” must ensure the effectiveness of its operations so as to facilitate the take-over of the response unit’s work. Chang urged the Ministry of Health and Welfare to rapidly confirm whether burn cases are related to the Formosa Fun Park Explosion, expedite the issuance of donations to the victims and their family members, determine whether they can be exempt from income tax and other taxations, and confirm whether allowances can be excluded from household income and property assets. 
To ensure that underprivileged families are cared for, the Ministry of Health and Welfare has activated the immediate care and emergency response mechanism to facilitate affected families. In addition, the Ministry has established a donation account for the “Formosa Fun Park Dust Explosion.” From the the 1st of July to the 30th of September, donations have amounted to NT $94,061,467. As of the 5th of November, the entire amount has been donated to the New Taipei Government. In addition, the Ministry is overseeing the implementation of dedicated social worker care in various local governments. Currently, 7,206 social workers have been dispatched to care for 32,492 people, and another 41,906 medical social workers have been dispatched to provide care for 79,624 victims and family members.