
Department of Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy

  • Data Source:Department of Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy
  • Created:2018-01-25
  • Last Updated:2018-10-19

Chinese Medicine Division

  1. Planning and promotion the administration policies of  Chinese medicine physician management and related regulations
  2. Planning and promotion the Chinese medicine physician clinical training system
  3. Planning and promoting the administration policies of Chinese medicine institution management policy and draft related regulations
  4. Supervising, managing and advising authorities-in-charge of the related Chinese medicine groups
  5. Planning and promoting the integration of Chinese and western medicine
  6. Promoting and advising Chinese Medicine technology.
  7. Regulating other affairs related to Chinese Medicine.
  8. Regulating folk remedies

Traditional Chinese Pharmacy Division

  1. Promoting and planning the administration and quality-improving policy of Chinese Medicine materials.
  2. Administrating and advising the pharmaceutical administration affairs of Chinese Medicine materials
  3. Promoting, advising and administrating the pharmaceutical serving qualities in Chinese Medicine.
  4. Being the regulating authority of Chinese Medicine to supervise, administrate and advise the civil associations of Chinese Medicine.
  5. Administrating other pharmaceutical affairs of Chinese Medicine.

Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy for License Division

  1. Planning Chinese medicine management and advising policies, revising drug registration standards, and administering affairs related to promotion.
  2. Reviewing applications for drug registration, changes, transfers and renewals of Chinese Medicine.
  3. Revising and editing Chinese Medicine pharmacopoeia.
  4. Promoting and advising GMP for Chinese Medicine manufacturers.
  5. Administrating other pharmaceutical affairs of Chinese Medicine.

Policy Development Division

  1. Planning, organizing and promotion Chinese medicine physician and pharmaceutical human resource training and development.
  2. Planning and promoting the continuing education system of Chinese Medicine physician and pharmacist.
  3. Planning, organizing, and promoting Chinese Medicine medication safety and health education program.
  4. Promoting Chinese Medicine and pharmaceutical industry innovation and development.
  5. Planning and promoting cross-strait and international affairs of Chinese Medicine.
  6. Planning and promoting other affairs related to Chinese medicine and pharmacy policies development.