
Ministry of Health and Welfare joins the Global CAPE to facilitate cross-border cooperation in the enforcement of Data Protection and Privacy Laws with international partners

  • Data Source:Department of Information Management
  • Created:2024-05-20
  • Last Updated:2024-05-20

    To enhance the protection of personal data, the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) applied to join the Global Cooperation Arrangement for Privacy Enforcement (Global CAPE). In March, 2024, notice of the verification and approval of the application was sent by the administrator of the Global CAPE—the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan. In the future, we expect to bolster the collaborative efforts across borders in the Data Protection and Privacy Laws through the agreement, thereby enforcing the protection of Taiwanese people’s personal data.

    As one of the founding members of the Global Cross-Border Privacy Rules (CBPR) Forum, Chinese Taipei endeavors to promote trusted data flows and to eliminate unnecessary barriers in digital trade. As global digitalization continues to accelerate, demand for international data transmission has increased sharply. Personal data infringement incidents often involve overseas factors, requiring cooperation between jurisdictions from different territories to effectively combat illegal activities and reduce infringement. In order to achieve the goal, the Global CBPR Forum established the Global CAPE in October, 2023 and invited Privacy Enforcement Authorities (PEAs), not limited to those of Forum members, to facilitate cross-border cooperation around the world.

    In addition to Chinese Taipei, United States, Japan, Canada, the United Kingdom, South Korea, the Philippines, Singapore, Mexico, Dubai International Financial Center, and Bermuda join Global CAPE. This opens up opportunities for Taiwan’s PEAs to work with overseas  partners on cross-border enforcement related to privacy complaints, data protection, data sharing, and professional exchanges. Such collaboration will enhance the protection of privacy information, align with international legal standards and practical trends, foster cross-border digital trade and boost Taiwan's digital economy.