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5. Medical Benefits

Title Created Last Updated File Number of times
Table 71 Outpatient and Inpatient Medical Benefit Claims by Contracted Category 2017-06-16 2018-09-19 Table 71 Outpatient and Inpatient Medical Benefit Claims by Contracted Category(.xls File Download)(Open in a new window)Table 71 Outpatient and Inpatient Medical Benefit Claims by Contracted Category(.ods File Download)(Open in a new window) 1615
Table 72 Outpatient Medical Benefit Claims by Accreditation Status 2017-06-16 2018-09-19 Table 72 Outpatient Medical Benefit Claims by Accreditation Status(.XLS File Download)(Open in a new window)Table 72 Outpatient Medical Benefit Claims by Accreditation Status(.ods File Download)(Open in a new window) 1576
Table 73 Inpatient Medical Benefit Claims by Accreditation Status 2017-06-16 2018-09-19 Table 73 Inpatient Medical Benefit Claims by Accreditation Status(.XLS File Download)(Open in a new window)Table 73 Inpatient Medical Benefit Claims by Accreditation Status(.ods File Download)(Open in a new window) 1636
Table 74 Outpatient Medical Benefit Claims by Ownership 2017-06-16 2018-09-19 Table 74 Outpatient Medical Benefit Claims by Ownership(.XLS File Download)(Open in a new window)Table 74 Outpatient Medical Benefit Claims by Ownership(.ods File Download)(Open in a new window) 1632
Table 75 Inpatient Medical Benefit Claims by Ownership 2017-06-16 2018-09-19 Table 75 Inpatient Medical Benefit Claims by Ownership(.XLS File Download)(Open in a new window)Table 75 Inpatient Medical Benefit Claims by Ownership(.ods File Download)(Open in a new window) 1644
Table 76 Outpatient Medical Benefit Claims by Professional Category 2017-06-16 2018-09-19 Table 76 Outpatient Medical Benefit Claims by Professional Category(.XLS File Download)(Open in a new window)Table 76 Outpatient Medical Benefit Claims by Professional Category(.ods File Download)(Open in a new window) 1646
Table 77 Inpatient Medical Benefit Claims by Professional Category 2017-06-16 2018-09-19 Table 77 Inpatient Medical Benefit Claims by Professional Category(.XLS File Download)(Open in a new window)Table 77 Inpatient Medical Benefit Claims by Professional Category(.ods File Download)(Open in a new window) 1621
Table 78 Outpatient Medical Benefit Claims by Locale and Global Budget Payment System 2017-06-16 2018-09-19 Table 78 Outpatient Medical Benefit Claims by Locale and Global Budget Payment System(.XLS File Download)(Open in a new window)Table 78 Outpatient Medical Benefit Claims by Locale and Global Budget Payment System(.ods File Download)(Open in a new window) 1724
Table 79 Outpatient Medical Benefit Claims by NHI Regional Division, Locale, Gender and Age 2017-06-16 2018-09-19 Table 79 Outpatient Medical Benefit Claims by NHI Regional Division, Locale, Gender and Age(.XLS File Download)(Open in a new window)Table 79 Outpatient Medical Benefit Claims by NHI Regional Division, Locale, Gender and Age(.ods File Download)(Open in a new window) 1639
Table 80 Outpatient Medical Benefit Claims of Dentistry by NHI Regional Division, Locale,Gender and Age 2017-06-16 2018-09-19 Table 80 Outpatient Medical Benefit Claims of Dentistry by NHI Regional Division, Locale,Gender and Age(.XLS File Download)(Open in a new window)Table 80 Outpatient Medical Benefit Claims of Dentistry by NHI Regional Division, Locale,Gender and Age(.ods File Download)(Open in a new window) 1697
Table 81 Outpatient Medical Benefit Claims of Chinese Medicine by NHI Regional Division,Locale, Gender and Age 2017-06-16 2018-09-19 Table 81 Outpatient Medical Benefit Claims of Chinese Medicine by NHI Regional Division,Locale, Gender and Age(.XLS File Download)(Open in a new window)Table 81 Outpatient Medical Benefit Claims of Chinese Medicine by NHI Regional Division,Locale, Gender and Age(.ods File Download)(Open in a new window) 1636
Table 82 Outpatient Medical Benefit Claims of Physician Clinics by NHI Regional Division,Locale, Gender and Age 2017-06-16 2018-09-19 Table 82 Outpatient Medical Benefit Claims of Physician Clinics by NHI Regional Division,Locale, Gender and Age(.XLS File Download)(Open in a new window)Table 82 Outpatient Medical Benefit Claims of Physician Clinics by NHI Regional Division,Locale, Gender and Age(.ods File Download)(Open in a new window) 1648
Table 83 Outpatient Medical Benefit Claims of Hospitals by NHI Regional Division, Locale,Gender and Age 2017-06-16 2018-09-19 Table 83 Outpatient Medical Benefit Claims of Hospitals by NHI Regional Division, Locale,Gender and Age(.XLS File Download)(Open in a new window)Table 83 Outpatient Medical Benefit Claims of Hospitals by NHI Regional Division, Locale,Gender and Age(.ods File Download)(Open in a new window) 1692
Table 84 Outpatient Medical Benefit Claims of Dialysis by NHI Regional Division, Locale,Gender and Age 2017-06-16 2018-09-19 Table 84 Outpatient Medical Benefit Claims of Dialysis by NHI Regional Division, Locale,Gender and Age(.XLS File Download)(Open in a new window)Table 84 Outpatient Medical Benefit Claims of Dialysis by NHI Regional Division, Locale,Gender and Age(.ods File Download)(Open in a new window) 1628
Table 85 Inpatient Medical Benefit Claims by NHI Regional Division, Locale, Gender and Age 2017-06-16 2018-09-19 Table 85 Inpatient Medical Benefit Claims by NHI Regional Division, Locale, Gender and Age(.XLS File Download)(Open in a new window)Table 85 Inpatient Medical Benefit Claims by NHI Regional Division, Locale, Gender and Age(.ods File Download)(Open in a new window) 1666
Table 86 Inpatient Medical Benefit Claims by Type of Case and Contracted Category 2017-06-16 2018-09-19 Table 86 Inpatient Medical Benefit Claims by Type of Case and Contracted Category(.XLS File Download)(Open in a new window)Table 86 Inpatient Medical Benefit Claims by Type of Case and Contracted Category(.ods File Download)(Open in a new window) 1648
Table 87 Inpatient Medical Benefit Claims by Type of Case and Accreditation Status 2017-06-16 2018-09-19 Table 87 Inpatient Medical Benefit Claims by Type of Case and Accreditation Status(.XLS File Download)(Open in a new window)Table 87 Inpatient Medical Benefit Claims by Type of Case and Accreditation Status(.ods File Download)(Open in a new window) 1639
Table 88 Medical Benefit Claims of Commission Cases by Contracted Category 2017-06-16 2018-09-19 Table 88 Medical Benefit Claims of Commission Cases by Contracted Category(.XLS File Download)(Open in a new window)Table 88 Medical Benefit Claims of Commission Cases by Contracted Category(.ods File Download)(Open in a new window) 1647
Table 89 Medical Benefit Claims of Commission Cases by Accreditation Status 2017-06-16 2018-09-19 Table 89 Medical Benefit Claims of Commission Cases by Accreditation Status(.XLS File Download)(Open in a new window)Table 89 Medical Benefit Claims of Commission Cases by Accreditation Status(.ods File Download)(Open in a new window) 1674
Table 90 Medical Utilization of Major Illness_Injury 2017-06-16 2018-09-19 Table 90 Medical Utilization of Major Illness_Injury(.XLS File Download)(Open in a new window)Table 90 Medical Utilization of Major Illness_Injury(.ods File Download)(Open in a new window) 1663