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Ministry of Health and Welfare has just opened official twitter account!


為了讓日趨頻繁的國際交流能在線上擴大互動,也希望台灣的衛福政策經驗能與世界各個角落分享,本部的twitter頻道《MOHW of Taiwan》即日起正式開張,歡迎大家踴躍Follow,更歡迎分享給自己的國際友人喔!

To enhance interactions and share Taiwan's experiences in health and welfare with global partners all over the world, we are launching our twitter channel "MOHW of Taiwan"! Please follow us @MOHW_Taiwan and check out our latest news!

Twitter QRcode圖示
Follow us now: https://twitter.com/MOHW_Taiwan

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  • 資料來源:衛生福利部