- CECC raises travel notice level for Iran to Level 3: Warning, advises against all non-essential travel2020-03-01
- One Taiwanese passenger returning from Diamond Princess confirmed as 40th confirmed case of COVID-19; Case #40 placed under quarantine2020-03-01
- Case #33 Travel History in Japan Disclosed; 67 Contacts of 33rd Confirmed Case Continue to be Tested2020-02-29
- CECC confirms five more cases; 4 contacts in hospital test positive for COVID-192020-02-29
- Taiwan confirms two more confirmed cases of COVID-19; CECC continues to trace contacts2020-02-28
- CECC raises travel notice for Italy to Level 3: Warning; travelers arriving from Italy subject to home quarantine2020-02-27
- Locations visited by Case #32 disclosed; public advised to conduct self-health management for 14 days2020-02-27
- Have Correct Ideas of Food Additives and Enjoy Safe Food2020-02-27
- Travel notice level for Iran raised to Level 2: Alert; travelers advised to practice enhanced precautions2020-02-26
- Taiwan confirms foreign caregiver of Case #27 as 32nd case of COVID-192020-02-26
- CECC raises travel notice for Italy to Level 2; travelers advised to practice enhanced precautions2020-02-25
- Starting February 27, child-size face masks to be purchased every day; purchase by proxy to be limited to three children NHI cards2020-02-25
- Taiwan confirms one more confirmed cases; case is contact and family member of Case #272020-02-25
- CECC raises travel notice level for South Korea to Level 3: Warning, advises against all non-essential travel2020-02-24
- Travelers with history of travel to China, Hong Kong and Macau to be subject to tracking for home quarantine; violators can be fined up to NT$150,0002020-02-24
- Travelers arriving from countries with Level 1 and Level 2 travel warning subject to 14-day self-health management2020-02-24
- Taiwan confirms two more cases; cases are contacts of Case #27 and being treated in isolation2020-02-24
- Total of 173 contacts of COVID-19 family cluster in northern Taiwan test negative; travel notice level for Iran and Italy raised to Level 1:Watch2020-02-23
- 19 Taiwanese passengers on board Diamond Princess test negative and to undergo quarantine for 14 days2020-02-23
- Taiwan confirms two more cases linked to family cluster; CECC continues to undertake contact tracing and investigation before illness onset2020-02-23