- CECC confirms ten more COVID-19 cases; six persons linked to tour groups2020-03-17
- CECC raises travel notice for 42 countries and one territory in Eastern Europe, Middle East, Central Asia, and Northern Africa to Level 3: Warning; CECC advises against all nonessential travel2020-03-16
- Symptomatic foreign travelers from nations not included in Level 3 Travel Notice, without NHI cards to pay for COVID-19 testing2020-03-16
- Cumulative total of 67 COVID-19 cases confirmed in Taiwan; 22 patients released from isolation2020-03-16
- CECC confirms eight more COVID-19 cases; eight cases contract coronavirus abroad2020-03-16
- CECC raises travel notice for Egypt to Level 2: Alert; travelers advised to take enhanced precautions2020-03-15
- Cumulative total of 59 COVID-19 cases confirmed in Taiwan; 20 patients released from isolation2020-03-15
- CECC confirms six more imported COVID-19 cases; CECC continues to trace related contacts2020-03-15
- Starting 2 pm of March 14, travelers yet on board leaving 27 European countries or Dubai are required to practice a 14-day home quarantine after entering Taiwan2020-03-14
- CECC confirms three more imported COVID-19 cases; three cases linked to trips to Europe2020-03-14
- Cumulative total of 53 COVID-19 cases confirmed in Taiwan; 20 patients released from isolation2020-03-14
- CECC confirms one more COVID-19 case; American man suspected of having COVID-19 through contact with his friends2020-03-13
- 361 Taiwanese businessmen returning from Wuhan on charter planes test negative for COVID-19 and remain under quarantine2020-03-13
- Cumulative total of 49 COVID-19 cases confirmed in Taiwan; 20 patients released from isolation2020-03-12
- CECC confirms one more imported COVID-19 case; woman visits Ireland and Belgium before onset of symptoms2020-03-12
- CECC raises travel notice for certain European, Middle Eastern countries to Level 2: Alert; travelers advised to take adequate precautionary measures; those returning to Taiwan from related countries must observe 14-day period of self-health management2020-03-11
- Cumulative total of 48 COVID-19 cases confirmed in Taiwan; number of patients released from isolation remains to be 172020-03-11
- CECC confirms one more imported COVID-19 case; CECC launches outbreak investigation and contact tracing2020-03-11
- Second charter flight from Wuhan arrives in Taiwan; 361 evacuees subject to 14-day period of group quarantine2020-03-11
- Online ordering mechanism to be added to the name-based rationing system for face masks on March 122020-03-10