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- MOHW News
Total Records:674,Current Page No:6/34,
- The facts regarding Taiwan's email to alert WHO to possible danger of COVID-192020-04-11
- The international journal (Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, JFDA) published by Food and Drug Administration, Taiwan, has reached the Impact Factor (IF) of 4.176. Citations, contributions and subscriptions are welcome.2020-04-06
- CECC confirms 15 more COVID-19 cases, including 14 imported cases2020-03-29
- Cumulative total of 298 COVID-19 cases confirmed in Taiwan; 39 patients released from isolation2020-03-29
- Cumulative total of 283 COVID-19 cases confirmed in Taiwan; 30 patients released from isolation2020-03-28
- CECC confirms 16 more COVID-19 cases, including 14 imported cases2020-03-28
- Cumulative total of 267 COVID-19 cases confirmed in Taiwan; 30 patients released from isolation2020-03-27
- CECC urges people subject to home quarantine/isolation to follow related regulations to protect everyone’s health2020-03-27
- CECC confirms 15 more imported COVID-19 cases; most cases linked to traveling abroad2020-03-27
- Cumulative total of 252 COVID-19 cases confirmed in Taiwan; number of patients released from isolation remains to be 292020-03-26
- CECC confirms 17 more COVID-19 cases, including 15 imported cases2020-03-26
- CECC recommends suspending indoor gatherings of over 100 people and outdoor gatherings of over 500 people to prevent cluster infections2020-03-25
- 361 evacuees returning from Wuhan on charter flights released from group quarantine and return home2020-03-25
- CECC confirms 19 more imported COVID-19 cases; all cases linked to studying, working, traveling abroad2020-03-25
- CECC confirms one more COVID-19 case; contact of Case #84 confirmed to have COVID-192020-03-24
- Cumulative total of 215 COVID-19 cases confirmed in Taiwan; 29 patients released from isolation2020-03-24
- CECC confirms 20 more imported COVID-19 cases; most cases linked to studying or working abroad2020-03-24
- Cumulative total of 195 COVID-19 cases confirmed in Taiwan; 29 patients released from isolation2020-03-23
- Second round of online ordering under the name-based rationing system for face masks to commence on March 252020-03-23
- CECC confirms a total of 26 more COVID-19 cases, including 25 imported cases2020-03-23
Total Records:674,Current Page No:6/34,