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    序號 中文 英文
    1 中醫藥司

    Department of Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy

    2 衛生福利部國家中醫藥研究所

    National Research Institute of Chinese Medicine, Ministry of Health and Welfare

    3 衛生福利部台中醫院

    "Taichung Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare"

    4 設立「中醫臨床教學中心」

    Set up Clinical Trials and Teaching Center of Chinese medicine

    5 建立中醫教學機構(醫院)評鑑制度

    Establish an appraisal system of Chinese medicinal teaching organizations (hospitals)

    6 中醫之基因體研究

    Research in Chinese medicinal Genosome

    7 中醫醫院暨醫院附設中醫部門訪查計畫

    A review project on hospitals of Chinese Medicine and hospitals affiliated with a Chinese Medicine department

    8 中醫臨床教學試辦計畫

    The pilot project of clinical training program on Chinese Medicine

    9 建構中醫整體臨床教學體系計畫

    A program of Constructing a clinical training system on Chinese Medicine

    10 醫事司

    Department of Medical Affairs

    11 心理健康司

    Department of Mental Health

    12 保護服務司

    Department of Protective Services

    13 社會救助及社工司

    Department of Social Assistance and Social Work

    14 社會保險司

    Department of Social Insurance

    15 護理及健康照護司

    Department of Nursing and Health Care

    16 綜合規劃司

    Department of Planning

    17 人事處

    Department of Personnel

    18 秘書處

    Department of Secretarial Affairs

    19 會計處

    Department of Accounting

    20 政風處

    Department of Civil Service Ethics
